Wednesday, September 27, 2006

End of Google?

Marc Fawzi in evolving Trends written an interesting article about, what could be the biggest ever breakthrough in organizing world's information.

"Once machines can understand and use information, using a standard ontology language, the world will never be the same. It will be possible to have an info agent (or many info agents) among your virtual AI-enhanced workforce each having access to different domain specific comprehension space and all communicating with each other to build a collective consciousness."

"Wikipedia has the volunteer resources to produce the needed Semantic Web ontologies for the domains of knowledge that it currently covers, while Google does not have those volunteer resources, which will make it reliant on Wikipedia."

"In just a few years Google’s search engine technology, which provides almost all of their revenue, could be made obsolete… That is unless they have a deal with Ontoworld where they will tap into their database of ontologies and add an inference engine capability to Google search."

Read the full article at : Wikipedia 3.0 - End of Google


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Master... back with a BIG bang

form is temporary class is permanent.
Sachin proved it once again. He made, the so called cricket gurus, who criticized his batting ability, especially for the past two years, mute.

Welcome back Sachin. Delighted to see you back in your own great form.
