Friday, May 12, 2006

A trip around my native

Its been a long time since i roam around my native place, Nagercoil. Its turned as a special trip as i accompanied by my sister's cute kids.

The first two pictures taken in Kaalkesam. There is a superb place called ulakkai falls. But I didn't go there as its too risky to climb up with kids. kaalikesam is a very great place, as it is not crowded by tourists.

...and the next two photos are taken in Thirparappu falls. Its more commercialized by the name of Tourism Development. More People there to chill out the scorching summer's heat.

...and the last photo taken at Mattur bridge.



Anonymous said...

wow!! Photos are good da. You shud have added some more photos with your sis kids da.

Anonymous said...

just saying hi to a fellow nagerkovilote. was nice seeing those snaps.