Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Fate of blogs...

source: www.perseus.com
“Here are some statistics on the percentage of total bloggers for the years 2003 and 2005, broken down by age group. The youngest segment, which comprised the largest number of bloggers from the beginning, increased its share; bloggers under 19 now account for almost 60% of the total. The only other group to increase its numbers was the 40-49 range, with a nigh-insignificant .1% gain. The 20-29, 30-39, and 50+ age groups all lost some of their share, with this loss increasing in relative magnitude as the ages increased. Relative positioning of the age groups remained constant, with a sharp dropoff after 30.”
and more on abandoned blogs..

“The most dramatic finding was that 66.0% of surveyed blogs had not been updated in two months, representing 2.72 million blogs that have been either permanently or temporarily abandoned. Apparently the blog-hosting services have made it so easy to create a blog that many tire-kickers feel no commitment to continuing the blog they initiate. In fact, 1.09 million blogs were one-day wonders, with no postings on subsequent days. The average duration of the remaining 1.63 million abandoned blogs was 126 days (almost four months). A surprising 132,000 blogs were abandoned after being maintained a year or more
Males were more likely than females to abandon blogs, with 46.4% of abandoned blogs created by males, as compared to 40.7% of active blogs being created by males. Abandonment rates did not vary based on age. Those who abandoned blogs tended to write posts that were only 58% as long as the posts of those who still maintained blogs, which simply indicates that those who enjoy writing stick with blogs longer.”

1 comment:

twip said...

hey Shiva!
I read your comment that you read my post on my blog...this is just to welcome you and to invite you to comment on my blog! I like discussions and I like making people think...so I would really appreciate your input!
BTW: very nice pictures of your Tiruthanni trip!