Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy valentine's day

"perfect love is not receiving, it is giving and forgiving.
perfect love is not red roses on valentine's day, it is the rest of the 365 days of knowing each other.
perfect love is not phone calls and stolen kisses, it's the silent smiles in memory of ur sweetheart.
perfect love is not a grand wedding, but spending a lifetime together.
perfect love is not a fight-n-kiss, its loving the one who annoys the hell out of u."
have you found your perfect love...?

"The purpose of a relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness! "

wish you all a very happy valentine's day...

p.s: for your kind info, I'm in a green shirt today.


Anonymous said...

Hi shiva...
Its very nice to see your graffito... Your messages has very much clarity and also impressive...
Keep on posting message there... we will always post comment to insist you more...

Anonymous said...

the above message posted by rajasekaran

Shiva said...

@Rajasekaran: hey... thanks dude.. thanks for your comment, will try to post more interesting things to keep you interested. Keep visiting...

Chaos And Order - "Satheesh" said...

No use.. I too was wearing a greeeeeeen shirt.. No girls. No girls..No girls..!!

World is so cruel.. !! :-(


Chaos And Order - "Satheesh" said...

No use..!!!1 Even I was wearing a greeeen shirt that day..!!!

No girls.. Not even an aunty..!!:-)

(was) Satheesh

Shiva said...

Oh satheesh you too....
now i got the reason why i didn't get any proposals... when you are in green... i couldn't expect anything :( ... BTW, I have to talk to you about your valentine's day celebration personally, will call you later... and I've read your recent post, man... what a post that was... I seriously think I have to stop blogging... I will comment on that later... thats really touching and complete. Good work

Chaos And Order - "Satheesh" said...


Thanks a lot Shiva..!

You didn't call as promised.. And I have my phone bill.. Alas..only payable by Osama bin laden..!

I am planning to ask my company to cut all my allowances and pay myu phone bill... (they will fire me..!) :-)

Work..? Huh.. Finding words to decsribe it...!

Call me soooooooooon....
